This article discussed the job market for digital artists and even listed different job titles along with projected salaries for each role. This really opened my eyes to just how many avenues there are for virtual artists to explore. Prior to reading this article, I would imagine digital artist careers as either a graphic designer, an illustrator, a freelancer, or a teacher/professor. It’s no secret that it’s hard to make it as a full-time artist and, for some reason, I thought the viable career options outside of that were somewhat limited. However, this article listed 30 different career opportunities for anyone working in digital art, 16 of which were alternate jobs in case you didn’t connect with the initial 14 ideas. I had no idea that digital artists could also be riggers, design or art directors, photo retouchers, videographers, 3D animators, and web content specialists. Now that I have seen the list of ideas, it makes sense how a digital artist could fit into each role, I just had never thought of them before. I think this shows how the bounds of digital art don’t necessarily exist and how you can do anything and work in many different industries as a digital artist. My idea of what I consider to be digital art has been broadened through realizing just how many options exist. I think the worlds idea of what constitutes as a digital artists will only continue to grow in the future as digital artists will hopefully continue to find career avenues where their skills are needed and valued.
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