This article was very interesting to read and definitely made me think about where digital art needs to set boundaries to avoid ripping off real artists. This article started off by telling a story about how an AI generator became very popular for its user-friendly ability to animate selfies into different art styles. People all over the world used this software, Lensa, to transform their selfies into masterpieces. Where this idea is very convenient and fun, it unfortunately lead to hundreds of artists’ styles being ripped off without any credit being given to the original creators who has spent years perfecting their signature artist style. This majorly brings up the argument of how AI art can take away from true artists who have worked extremely hard to create unique work. Where I like to consider digital art to be limitless and believe that it can lead us in a great direction where anything can be created, I also think real life artists and their work should be respected. I know it’s true that there is technically no such thing as original art as all art somewhat references other art and we live in a world so large that its impossible to find a truly one-of-a-kind style. However, I do still believe that there are working artists who are building popularity through new ideas and evolved designs and I think it would be an injustice for these artists’ styles to simply be taken advantage of by a computer. It’s hard to think of a solution to this problem as its already occurred several times, but it makes me think of what can be done to protect original artists. Perhaps AI art generating sites can be forced to name the references they input for the computer system to learn in order for real artists to receive recognition and hopefully compensation. Overall, I think this is a huge dilemma that should be addressed soon to avoid more artists from being ripped off without proper recognition.
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